Category: Psalms

Your children will be like olive shoots

Your children will be like olive shoots

“Blessed are all who fear Yahweh, who walk in his ways”

The Old Testament has a pretty long list of instructions on how to live well. While many are about relating well to God, most are about how to care for each other, and how to create a society where people thrive. It includes many instructions about caring for the poor and vulnerable, preventing homelessness, looking after refugees and immigrants, food security, respect for property, and making restitution.

When people lived by those rules, it meant they treated each other with dignity and respect.  A broad commitment to ethical behaviour meant things went well in their society, and in Psalm 128 that’s particularly reflected in the family.

Children are a heritage from Yahweh

Children are a heritage from Yahweh

“Children are a heritage from Yahweh”

In the middle verse of the middle psalm of the Songs of Ascents, the focus is on children.

Solomon, who likely wrote this psalm, did not appear to have a wonderful father. Few positive or healthy interactions between David and his children are recorded.

Those who go out weeping

Those who go out weeping

Special days of the year are complicated for many people, and Easter Sunday is no different. It might be worth noting that on the first Easter Sunday, God had always known how things would turn out, but Jesus’ friends and followers didn’t. Even that morning, once Jesus had risen, there was a delay between the fact of hope and his disciples’ experience of it.

It’s not that they weren’t interested in hope. Mary Magdalene went down to the tomb while it was still dark that morning, and even when Jesus stood right in front of her it took her time to recognise him. For poor Thomas, who, (we see in the Lazarus story), had been willing to die with him, it was a week before he shifted from despair to reality.

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion

How was life supposed to be for us? Certainly not plagued by abuse. Much of the Old Testament describes what it means to love and respect each other. Not only as individuals: it teaches us how to avoid systemic abuse by making sure the vulnerable are cared for.

God’s clear intention is for us to thrive together in every way. Our physical and emotional wellbeing matter to him. So do our ethics.

If the LORD had not been on our side

If the LORD had not been on our side

One of the beautiful things about Jesus’ choices in the lead up to his death is his constant commitment to have mercy for us. He showed it in his death in a way that echoes through history. But to read his story, told through the eyes of those around him, it becomes obvious that his commitment to giving everything he had to help us was entirely consistent with who he had already shown himself to be.

Jesus did for us what we could never successfully do for ourselves. He loved. He helped. Jesus had his eye on those who needed support, and he gave himself generously to them. Those people loved him. Not everybody did.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us

We are looking at Psalm 123 as part of our series on the Songs of Ascents.

Abuse is torture. It’s difficult to go into that without raising triggers for people. But in the many different forms of abuse: all are dehumanising. Among the dozens of abusive behaviours a perpetrator is likely to be practised at are many that seek to disrupt a victim’s capacity to know and see clearly.

Peace be within you

Peace be within you

Many people struggle to understand why a victim of abuse doesn’t just leave the relationship. There are so many reasons. Enough for the moment to say that leaving is not at all simple.

The Songs of Ascents talk about leaving a place of danger. Of lies and deceit. Like a war zone. Longing to find a place of sanctuary. Leaving abuse is also a pilgrimage – one we should deeply honour, and one where the pilgrim will most likely have mountains ahead.

Where does my help come from?

Where does my help come from?

Dealing with abuse can be overwhelming, and many abuse victims might resonate well with those in the Bible who faced massive challenges: I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? We are looking at the Songs of...

Too long have I lived among those who hate peace

Too long have I lived among those who hate peace

What is life like for those who are living with abuse? The psalmist wrote: Too long have I lived among those who hate peace Living with abuse is a daily experience for many. Abusers do not need to fill their time with violence, anger,...

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