Supporter Survey

Helping young people avoid abusive relationships

We want to help young people avoid getting into abusive relationships

Abusers can wreak incredible harm, and leaving abuse can be so difficult! But we believe we can give young people a much better chance of avoiding abusive relationships early on, especially where it happens outside of the family. (Options are often very limited for young people facing family violence.)

We would love your help!

Obviously enough, people most often think about abuse in families or in intimate relationships. But abuse can happen in any setting where there are people: work, church, sporting clubs, place of study, or social settings. (And the list goes on.) And the skill of spotting abusive behaviour is transferrable, so what a young person learns to recognise in social settings can help them avoid unsafe intimate relationships.

So we would love to hear from you no matter what your experience of relationships has been.

  • What do you wish you’d known as a young(er) person?
  • What advice would you give your younger self?
  • What’s it like for young people growing up in regional or rural areas compared to those in bigger cities?

All questions are optional, and the point of this survey is to listen to you, not to produce academic research results. If you’d like to answer questions we haven’t asked, please feel free.



We may use quotes from this survey in communicating with people about our work. We value people’s safety and privacy and will be careful to remove any information that might identify someone.


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