how to spot abuse

Quick guides to mental health

What is hypervigilance?

What is hypervigilance?

If you've suffered a traumatic experience, it makes sense that you might be on the lookout for danger. Who would want to risk further trauma? This...

What is Avoidance?

What is Avoidance?

One of the symptoms of PTSD is avoidance. But what is avoidance? And why is it important to know? Here’s our 2-minute guide!   Definitions...

What’s new?

What is hypervigilance?

What is hypervigilance?

If you've suffered a traumatic experience, it makes sense that you might be on the lookout for danger. Who would want to risk further trauma? This...

What is Avoidance?

What is Avoidance?

One of the symptoms of PTSD is avoidance. But what is avoidance? And why is it important to know? Here’s our 2-minute guide!   Definitions...

Deep calls to deep

Deep calls to deep

“Deep calls to deep, in the roar of your waterfalls”

I’ve written earlier about the experience of having significant disagreements with God. I’d like to suggest some of those ongoing disagreements might demonstrate we are listening to his image in us. If we are moved by compassion and concern for others, doesn’t that sound like an expression of the fruit of the Spirit?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Sift the lies from the truth

Sift the lies from the truth

We have been looking at some of the ways we can sift the lies from the truth despite the mess created by abuse, and the story of Elijah gives us some clues. Much of what God did with Elijah was simply care for and affirm him. But God also helped Elijah refine his understanding of what was happening around him.

It’s possible Elijah was experiencing some degree of hypervigilance. There was certainly cause for that. Elijah was on the run for his life.

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