Learn about abuse and healthy relationships

Abuse can be incredibly confusing, but the good news is it’s possible to get better at spotting it.

Our articles can help you learn about different types of abusive behaviour so you can be better equipped to spot abuse and respond to it.

As a Christian organisation, we want to learn from the best insights in psychology, sociology, and business. We use those insights to help us understand what our Christian faith has to teach us about abuse and healthy relationships.

Our hope is that you, and all of us, can become answers to Paul’s prayer:

that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insightso that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”

(Philippians 1:9-11)

Some aspects of healthy relationships just require good intentions. But when it comes to more complicated dynamics around abuse, it takes knowledge and depth of insight to separate ourselves from harmful, unloving behaviour.

Our prayer is we can serve you in that goal.

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How can you help a friend in a toxic relationship?

How can you know if an apology is sincere?

What does it mean to cherish someone?

Find some of our most popular articles below.

How to help a friend in a toxic relationship

How can you help a friend in a toxic relationship?

It can be heartbreaking to watch someone you care about remain stuck in a dangerous situation. And it can be hard to know how to help a friend in a toxic relationship. It’s easy to feel powerless. So if you have a friend in a dangerous marriage or other abusive situation, what can you do?

How to spot a non-apology

How can you spot a non-apology?

How can you know if an apology is sincere? You might like to start with our guide to spotting a non-apology, or dig a little deeper with our series on Saul’s abuse tactics.

Saul's blame-shifting tactics

King Saul was a well-practised abuser, and his story can teach us a lot about abusive behaviour. One of his many tactics was shifting the blame, but we have a series looking at many of his behaviours.

the fruit of the Spirit is love gal 5-22-23

What does it mean to cherish someone?

The idea of “cherishing” is in many people’s wedding vows, but what does it mean? And if a person vows to cherish their spouse but doesn’t, what are the implications?

When abusive behaviour can lead to so much confusion and self-doubt for the victim, reflecting on what it means to cherish can be a great way of cutting through the mess to find clarity.

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How to spot a non-apology

How to spot a non-apology

As we saw with Saul in our last article, abusers might employ a barrage of emotional abuse tactics that can make it very difficult to know how to...

Saul’s skill at non-apologies

Saul’s skill at non-apologies

As part of his armoury of abusive tactics, we can see Saul’s skill at non-apologies. If we understand his tactics, that can help us spot non-apologies in our own situations.

Saul’s narcissism and rage

Saul’s narcissism and rage

In our previous post, we looked at some of King Saul's blame-shifting tactics, and now we come to consider Saul's narcissism and rage. When Saul's...

Saul’s blame-shifting tactics

Saul’s blame-shifting tactics

Saul's blame-shifting tactics are typical of abusers When we consider the theme of non-apologies in the Bible, Saul's blame-shifting tactics stand...

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